Posts Tagged ‘ quality time ’


In this day and age where time is a blur, where days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, there is little time to spend with oneself, to try and understand the thoughts that cross our mind, the experiences that change our lives.

When was the last time you went out for a long walk, with no destination in mind, with no purpose to be fulfilled at the end of the journey?

Take a walk. With no destination in mind.

Take a walk. With no destination in mind.

It seems to me that every person is trying to create memories of fun times and madness, to look back and say, ‘Yes, then there at that moment, it was madness. For you live your life only once.’

At the end of these fun times, there often is an inexplicable feeling of emptiness. One which will need to be filled, can be fulfilled only by more moments like these.
As long as we continue to search for happiness in external things, the moment of elation will last only until the moment does.
The people you meet, the moments you share, will give you only so much happiness, only so much satisfaction.
No one and no memory can give you joy infinitely.
No one and nothing can give you the feeling of completeness that you will experience in the moments of quietude spend looking within.

Unplug yourself.
Unplug yourself from the constant chatter of your phone.
Unplug yourself and just be.
Watch the world, watch your thoughts.
Let the quietude surround you.
Give yourself the chance to experience what it means to just be.

The Cipher story

Nothing is absolute, not even the truth! Here is my view point on everything around me.

Pish's Blog of Loveliness

Photography, Fiction, and Musings on Life

Shoot the Messenger

Straight from the hip


Well i do think about more but for starters...


This site is the cat’s pajamas

The Office Inbetweener