Archive for the ‘ Life ’ Category

The Curious Case Of Being Human

Humans are narcissistic creatures.
We believe we have the power to shape our future or rather change our destiny.

But can we really?

We think that we can’t live without a few people. Or someone would not be able to survive without us. We try to protect them from hurt, even if we have to lie for it. We think we are so important than we decide what is good and bad for them. What they will or won’t be able to deal with it.

But the truth is, being human we have a mechanism which helps us survive anything.

A person lived before the love of his life crossed paths with him and will survive even if she leaves. The time it takes for someone to recover might be different. The intensity of feelings might be different. But eventually, time heals everything.

A person might think, ‘I’m broken. I can’t do this ever again.’

But you won’t be broken forever. Your survival instinct will kick in and will eventually do what it must to be unbroken.

Don’t be afraid to get into something now, just because you are afraid of the outcome. Whatever it maybe, you will survive.

Humans are survivers. You will survive too.


Humans are survivers. You will survive too.

On Pursuing My Dream

When you are following your dream, when you are hell bent on achieving it, you won’t let anything come your way.

It doesn’t matter if you need to do it part time or if you need to fill every moment of your spare time pursuing it.
It doesn’t matter if you need to finish your work in the train or if you have to wake up early or stay up late to meet a deadline.

You’ll do it cause you can’t imagine doing anything else, wouldn’t want to do anything else, no matter how much you need to push yourself.

But then you hit road blocks.
Ones which make you question your dream,
Ones which make you question whether you are as good at something as you think you are.

They hit you in the face, hit you like a sucker punch which you never think you will recover from.
And then you wonder,
What is the point of this struggle,
What is the point of pushing so much,
What is the point of pursuing this dream?

The seed of self doubt is forever growing, forever looking to expand its roots.
It promises to consume you, never to let you free again.

But it is in this state of utter despair that I make myself think of this quote,

For who can ask more of a man,
Than giving all within his span,
Giving all it seems to me,
Is not to fall from victory.

I don’t know if I will ever succeed in pursuing my dream,
I don’t know if this is the right path or wrong.
But what I do know is that I am here to fight,
Here to fight my moments of despair,
To forever strive to convert them to moments of glory.

Moment of glory as beautiful & inspiring as a new day

My moment of glory, will be as beautiful as the rising of the sun at the start of a new day.


In this day and age where time is a blur, where days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, there is little time to spend with oneself, to try and understand the thoughts that cross our mind, the experiences that change our lives.

When was the last time you went out for a long walk, with no destination in mind, with no purpose to be fulfilled at the end of the journey?

Take a walk. With no destination in mind.

Take a walk. With no destination in mind.

It seems to me that every person is trying to create memories of fun times and madness, to look back and say, ‘Yes, then there at that moment, it was madness. For you live your life only once.’

At the end of these fun times, there often is an inexplicable feeling of emptiness. One which will need to be filled, can be fulfilled only by more moments like these.
As long as we continue to search for happiness in external things, the moment of elation will last only until the moment does.
The people you meet, the moments you share, will give you only so much happiness, only so much satisfaction.
No one and no memory can give you joy infinitely.
No one and nothing can give you the feeling of completeness that you will experience in the moments of quietude spend looking within.

Unplug yourself.
Unplug yourself from the constant chatter of your phone.
Unplug yourself and just be.
Watch the world, watch your thoughts.
Let the quietude surround you.
Give yourself the chance to experience what it means to just be.

On the compulsion of being social.

Often we try to squeeze in as many plans as possible for the weekend.

There are people we need to meet, things we need to do, memories we need to make.

Then we head to work, talk about the mad weekend, about how exhausting it was, how we need another weekend to recover from this one.

We live in the past weekend, all the while pinning for the coming one, not for one moment taking the time to just breath and be.

I’ve never been much of a talker and when I see people going through this process day after day, week after week, all the time whining, I wonder why they put themselves through this process again and again.

The weird thing is that these people expect you to be a part of this process. They expect you to be a part of this social group, talk till you drop, talk even if you don’t make any sense.

Not being social does not mean a person is a loner. Neither does it mean that the person is uninterested in what others have to say. 

A person who doesn’t talk has a high possibility of being a great listener. The likes of which are very hard to find in this age where everyone is trying to look cooler and more happening.

A person who doesn’t talk might also be someone who is at ease in her own skin. She do not find it necessary to talk about the things she does, to get external validation of how amazing she is.

She prefers doing the things she loves, quietly,
Spending time with people she loves, having meaningful conversations of the likes which appeal to her,
All the while living in the moment,
All the while searching for the reason for her existence.

Yes, I am this her. And no one, neither the people I deal with everyday, nor the society I live in, is going to push into being social.

The body that was taken for granted.

It’s 3 am in the morning. While the world is still shrouded in twilight, while humans in this part of the world are still in slumber, in one room a bell rings.

That sound in another house could probably mean nothing, but in this house the sound could be a sign of impending doom.

In this house there is an old lady who no longer has much control over her body.

It’s been a long day for everyone in this household. The sound of the bell does not pierce their fitful sleep initially, but its insistent ringing finally does.

The mother is the first one to awake. She wakes up to go see what it is, because often its just the old lady unable to sleep, unable to distinguish between night and day.

But today was different. Today was a day we would all understand how much we take our body for granted.

She enters the room, the room from which the scent of sickness never fades no matter how much we try.

She sees the old lady, lying in her own piss, unable to get up from the floor, unable to will her body to obey her command.

She turns hysterical when the mother goes close to her. Screaming someone tried to kidnap her and then left her on the floor.

The mother calls her husband and daughter, to help pick the old lady up. 90 kgs is a lot of dead weight for even three people to carry. We learnt that the hard way that day.

Our inability to pick her up, hers to control her body, the stench of the room, of her clothes drenched in her own piss lead me to realize a million things at once.

Yes, it is true that you only live once.
Yes, it is true that there are medications to cure practically all the diseases out there.
But there is one thing that we seem to forget.
That if your body starts to get disintegrate from the inside, if your excessive indulgence is too much for the body to sustain, even if you give it medicines, its going to slowly steadily give up on you.

And that one thing which you took for granted, independence, the ability to look after yourself will slowly turn to dependence.

So much so that you become like a new born child, making up stories, depending on your children to feed, cloth and clean you. Life completing an entire circle.

My point through this blog is not that one does not enjoy the pleasure life has to offer. You truly only live once.
But that does not mean you live a life of excesses, taking your body for granted at every step. Treat it with love and consideration, the same way you treat your memories and relations. And I promise you, you will be able to enjoy your life till the end of days. Rather than experiencing the same fate of the old lady, ringing the bell at 3am, depending on someone else to pick her up, while the rest of the world was in slumber.

Yes, it is true that you only live once. Yes, it is true that there are medications to cure practically all the diseases out there. But there is one thing that we seem to forget. That if your body starts to get disintegrate from the inside, if your excessive indulgence is too much for the body to sustain, even if you give it medicines, its going to slowly steadily give up on you.

The body that was taken for granted.

Photocredit: Unknown. I tried looking for the name of the photographer who took this brilliant image but couldn’t find it. If you do, tell me the name in the comments.

I am in love with you.

I am in love with you.

Not the who you want to be,
Nor the who you were,
But the who you are,
At every moment we spend together.

You might not be perfect,
You might not even be the best boyfriend out there.
But you are the perfect boyfriend for me.
Isn’t that what really matters?

You see me,
Outside and inside and you’re okay with everything you see.
You tell me,
Things you’ve never told anyone else, trusting cause you know you can.

I want you to be you.
And I know you’ll let me be me.

And together,
We’ll celebrate light,
And fight darkness,
Every step of the way.

Life : One day at a time.

For the longest time I remembered things.
Promises made, words uttered, moments felt.
They played around in my head like an endless tape,
Causing me happiness or sadness at a whim.

But now.
No memory, no nothing.

I prefer it this way.
Living life one day at a time.

The Cipher story

Nothing is absolute, not even the truth! Here is my view point on everything around me.

Pish's Blog of Loveliness

Photography, Fiction, and Musings on Life

Shoot the Messenger

Straight from the hip


Well i do think about more but for starters...


This site is the cat’s pajamas

The Office Inbetweener